Compassionate Finance Blog

Affordable dental financing can do more than help those with bad credit—it can help everyone manage money

Written by Compassionate Finance | Jun 25, 2018 3:27:00 PM

For many people, dental financing is a necessary evil, complete with high interest rates and unforgiving collection agencies. For those people, in-house financing can be a lifesaver by allowing them to have much-needed dental treatment that they otherwise could not afford.

But patients don’t need to let poor credit keep them from getting the dental care they need and want. By offering affordable monthly payments through an in-house financing program like Compassionate Finance, patients can benefit from your best care available.

For the average family with a middle-class income, finances can still be strained. While these people usually have good credit ratings, most patients continually carry a balance on their credit card statements. Others are at their credit limit. By offering these patients a reasonable financing plan, they would then have a lower-interest option when considering dental payments. Instead of adding another charge to a bill already costing 26.9 percent interest, these patients could utilize more family-friendly flexible payment plans.

Remember, too, that patients with otherwise ample financial resources from time to time find themselves struggling to make their bills. Accidents, illness, emergencies—dark circumstances fall on every life. At times like these, patients will forgo dental treatment to take the family through the hardship. With an affordable in-house option, patients can get the necessary dental treatment without straining their finances.

Even patients with insurance coverage may need a little help.

Insurance plans vary in what they cover. For example, many insurance plans will cover the costs of a bridge but not an implant, even when an implant would be the preferred choice for the long-term health of the whole mouth. This is where a flexible payment plan can give your patients a choice as well as open them up to dental procedures that otherwise would strain their family’s budget. It can also reduce the strain on their existing credit cards. By offering an in-house financial solution to everyone, you open a whole new avenue of revenue, as well as providing all patients with a way to afford the best dental treatment available.

All lives go through periods of good and tough times. As a professional healthcare provider, you have the power to help all your valuable patients get the care they desperately need and want. The most sensitive way is to offer a plan that can benefit all patients, regardless of their credit history.

Learn more about you can make Compassionate Finance your in-house family friendly financing plan.